Hi, can you teach me how to raise marine ornamental fish?
2021-06-23 10:41:51 | text catogry

To raise marine ornamental fish, you must first think about how big a sea aquarium tank you need. Secondly, relevant equipment should be prepared, such as protein skimmer, salinity meter, and reef sea salt. Of course, if you don’t keep corals, you can choose relatively cheap LED lights.

It is troublesome to start using the tank with sea water. You must buy some live rocks first, wash them with clean sea water, and put them in the aquarium tank. The salinity of sea water is between 1.020-1.025, which needs to be measured with a salinity refractometer.

To learn how to use the salinity refractometer, please visit the official website for more details:

Of course, the most important thing to raise marine tropic fish is to “raise water.” In the initial stage, the changes in algae are brown algae and then green algae. The appearance of green algae is relatively long. After the death of the green algae and whitening, the water is almost nourished, so that the initial seawater ecosystem is established.

It is worth noting that marine fish do not have harsh requirements for water quality, so just keep changing the water weekly. But if you keep corals, you need more patience.



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